Daniel Yoontae Hwang
Third-Year Math PhD Student at Georgia Tech. He/Him/His.

Skiles 146A, School of Mathematics
686 Cherry St NW
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0160
Hello! I’m a third-year Math PhD student at Georgia Tech. I am interested in algebra, algebraic combinatorics, and algebraic geometry, and am currently working on problems in Ehrhart Theory. My advisor is Josephine Yu. I am also a continuing student intern at Los Alamos National Laboratory under Laura Monroe. I am generously supported by a GAANN Fellowship for the 2024-2025 Academic Year (beginning January 2025).
I was born in Daegu, South Korea and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. Prior to attending Georgia Tech, I attended undergraduate at Duke, where I completed my senior thesis under my undergraduate advisor Margaret Regan.
Other than doing math, I write & perform stand-up and improv comedy, play board & video games, enjoy tennis, running, and weightlifting, and scour seminars (and the larger Atlanta region) for food. I also try to dabble in various other events, hobbies, and organizations if I have the time.
As of August 2024, I am the Graduate Student Representative for the School of Mathematics Graduate Committee and a member of the Graduate Student Council. Prior to this position, I served one year as an organizer for the 2024 edition of High School Math Day.