DC Sectional!
So I just arrived back to Atlanta from DC! It was the culmination of a wonderful weekend and the break I needed from the academic environment while being… well, surrounded by academics. So I’ll mainly be writing about that today.
Before that, though: Here’s the week summarized. I ate leftover curry and fried rice for the whole week (and I should switch up my diet) while I attended a lot of talks and thesis defenses, worked on tropical geometry homework (which took longer than I thought it would), and packed up for the DC Sectional. I did neglect a paper that I worked on, but I did make progress on reading the paper on multivariate volume polynomials on polytropes and strengthening my knowledge of the background material. After that (and playing Humans vs Zombies - this year the Humans (including me!) all died), I boarded a plane to Reagan National Airport adjacent to Washington, D.C.
The actual weekend was fantastic! I stayed at a friend’s house, got very familiar with the DC Metro, and attended a lot of interesting talks at the AMS Eastern Sectional, mainly in algebraic combinatorics (so stuff on spanning trees, lattices, shuffles, etc…) with some scattering of number theory and logic. I really liked Jinyoung Park’s invited address on the Kahn-Kalai conjecture also. It was a good break from dealing with papers, emails, and all the rest. I also got to meet a lot of cool professors and some old friends, and the social environment was refreshing.
I also took a free day to explore the DC area and I even got to watch the eclipse while I was there! I did not get any good photos of the eclipse, but I did get some cool photos from the museums and what not! Then I came back to Atlanta (and its very low-quality subway system).
This week ahead is a little hectic, but if I play it right, this should be technically be the last week I do any classwork. My main focus for this week is the class project/paper and presentation, and I expect this to take up the rest of the time.