Today is MLK Day. And I completely forgot to do the weekly update last week. I’ll write this and then go for a walk around the neighborhood and do some shopping. I was possibly thinking of going to Skiles just now, but nah. It’s a holiday. I also realized that there is a service event at GT that I should register for next year (I checked and I was slightly too late in registration).

Oh yes, last week. Last week was great. I finally got to see my friends and have good conversations about people, although I can already feel my responsibilities crawling on my back. Which is why I’m trying to take today slightly easier than I normally do. I will say that I already got to thinking about emails to send to Linear Algebra TAs, emails to send to teachers and organizers as part of an event I’m helping out on (and some tasks I should have done for them a while ago), and not to mention, classes. Classes look like they will be well-taught, but even without homework, I found myself staying until 5pm to 6pm dealing with logistics. I hope by the end of January that logistics will be curbed slightly, but I think those took the majority of time last week. I also have a new office mate - he loves coffee and seems chill.

For classes:

  • Analytic Number Theory, we went over an overview of why we care about the distribution of primes and how tools in analysis allow us to make good estimates.
  • Convex Geometry, we defined convex set, convex hull, and theorems related to minimum number of points required to guaranteed certain conditions.
  • Tropical Geometry, mainly a review/definition of tropical varieties.

I spent Monday and Tuesday attending classes, Wednesday and Thursday studying for comps, and Friday (after groggily waking up to teach studio and struggling to stay awake), I took the topology comp. There are 8 problems, we were asked to solve 5. I solved 5 easily, but there was one dimension question and I’m really curious on how you do them. Two other problems I didn’t even bother. I think I passed.

This past weekend was actually pretty hectic. I went to dinner in Doraville with some good buddies on Saturday and introduced them to good bibimbap. On Sunday, I got lunch at Emmy Squared with a couple of friends for a birthday party, and afterwards I was completely drained. Like, I spent 3.5 hours sitting in the same chair. Setting up the same phone to replace the one I cracked. Did not have motivation to leave my room otherwise. That’s how tired I was. Perhaps that’s a sign I need to slow down. It’s only the first week and I’m already tired and taking more ibuprofen than I’m used to. Ugh.

I was going to use this post to plan out my week, but nah. I’ll stop here. Back to doing regular homeworks that I put off due to comps.