“I wish I could live without you, but you’re a part of me”
Telephones - Vacations
This song is my new favorite song at the moment. I stumbled upon a fast-paced version of it, but then I listened to the original version (which sounds much more slowed down) and I realized how much more moody/melancholic the song actually is. For me, the song can be interpreted as a love song (perhaps of a long-distance relationship) or an addiction song (to the speaker’s cellphone). And the lyrics, especially the one above, can be viewed as a confession of love, a reminder of addiction, OR a feeling of longing for a loved one who’s passed, and the latter interpretation saddens me the most. Either way, it suggests a feeling of longing, and depending on which version you listen to, it can briefly spark feelings of love or a despondence of what you’ve lost. It’s just a beautiful song, regardless.
This week, I was slow with going to the office, but I did skim Beck-Sinai, work on some code, and meet with my advisors. Now we’re trying to adapt our code to simple examples and further understand some papers. I burned out last night so I’m trying to take it easy. This weekend is MomoCon and I’m trying to do some readings before hand.